This image to me is seen as a successful logo through its overall design and colour. The way the tooth is done almost appears to be that of a tattoo design which is one of the reasons that it appeals to me the most. The colours used for the logo are in no way at all overwhelming. The use of cool colours helps create a calm image. The type in the logo also consists of these cool colours and the company name itself is not taking any attention away from the logo as a whole. To me the logo is perfectly balanced.
This logo like the one above it uses cool colours creating a sense of calmness. But unlike the logo before this one depicts an image that everyone can identify as an actual tooth. In doing so the logo is instantly recognisable as a dental clinic. With the word 'family' written in bold the viewer is able to understand that anyone can be brought here and that it is naturally a kind family environment.
Like the logo above this dental clinic has an emphasis on a family clinic only this logo's use of colour isn't blue its a light shade of green. The tooth is once again shown instantly making it recognisable as a dental clinic. The size of the font for the actual company name stands out the most in this logo and a much darker green is used as the colour for the font. But even though the main company name is larger than anything else in the logo the lighter green still draws us away from the name and lets us look at the logo as a whole.
I like this image because of the overall simplicity of it. Black is the only colour used in the logo making it so your attention is not drawn elsewhere in the logo. The word precision in the logo is in bold making us focus on it and gives the impression that the company is perfect. It is a simple company title with a small running man beside it to help identify what sort of gym/company it is.
My Gym is a gym which focus's more on children's fitness than adults. This is also successfully shown in their company logo. It is done in a very simple and aesthetically pleasing way. There's nothing in the logo that is overly complex even for a child to see. It is designed to attract children and this is helped by the illustrated monkey. The monkey brings a kind of playfulness to the logo which is a successful tool in attracting children. The colours in the image are also very child friendly and the font is in no way confronting also displaying a sense of playfulness.
To me golds gym has a sort of seriousness about it. The simplicity of the two colours used also to me demonstrates the seriousness as if theres no mucking around at the gym. The yellow colour is as if to say that the gym strives for gold and by putting the figure up against the black it makes the yellow stand out much more.
This logo appears to have a touch of elegance about it. The single gold colour mixed with the style of font help to achieve this as well as the sheer simplicity of the flower design placed above it. It is a simple and successful logo.